交換留学プログラム(Student Exchange Program)
マラヤ大学(マレーシア)/ 2019年10月~2020年9月
●Why did you want to study abroad in Japan? / なぜ日本に留学しようと思ったのですか。
I want to improve my Japanese language and experience the culture of Japan.
●Why did you choose Tokushima University for your studying abroad? / 徳島大学を選んだ理由は何ですか。
I did not choose it, my university chose it for me. But I really glad I went here.
●What subject have you been studying in your home university? / 自国では何を勉強していましたか。
I am majoring in East Asian Studies and I took Japanese language.
●How did you prepare for studying in Japan? / 日本留学に向けてどのような準備をしましたか。
I try to review what I studied before regarding Japanese language.
●How was your experience in Tokushima? For example, was there anything that surprised you? / 徳島に来てどうでしたか。例えば、驚いたことはありますか。
It was amazing!!!! I love here. I experienced more than I thought I would. This is the best place to experience true culture of Japan.
●Have you used the Culture Lounge while you are in Tokushima University? How did you like using Culture Lounge? / 徳島大学ではカルチャー・ラウンジは利用しましたか。また、利用してどうでしたか。
Yes. Only twice. I use it while waiting for my class to start.
●How was your learning experience with courses at Tokushima University? / 徳島大学での勉強(受講)はどうでしたか。
It is hard at first because I have language problem (everything in Japanese). But I learnt so many things and I am very glad that I came here.
●Are there any big differences with student life in Tokushima and the country where your university is? / 学生生活について、日本と自国とでは大きな違いがありますか。
Yes. The class is not so strict. I notice that there are students who did not do their homework and did not send their assignment. In Malaysia, we cannot do that.
●What did you get an impact out of the most in your life of Japan or Tokushima? / 日本(徳島)での生活で一番印象深いものは何ですか。
I think maybe the food. It is hard for me to find Halal food here. This is my first time to live by myself far from home thus I think staying alone really give impact to my life.
●What is your goal in the future? / 将来の目標は何ですか。
I would like to work at Embassy of Japan in Malaysia and further my study in majoring Japan studies.
●Could you leave advice to students who want to study abroad in the future? / 留学を考えている学生に向けてアドバイスをお願いします。
For those who like to study and experience Japan culture, this is the best place for you to do that. If you come here, do not afraid to try new things. Just go with the flow and try everything. There are thousands of thing you can experience in Tokushima and trust me you will not regret it.