留学体験記 – Johan Fornander(ヨハン フォルナンダ)さん

交換留学プログラム(Student Exchange Program)
ルンド大学:(スウェーデン)/ 2015年10月~2016年9月

●Why did you want to study abroad in Japan? / なぜ日本に留学しようと思ったのですか。
To be better at communicating in Japanese.

●Why did you choose Tokushima University for your studying abroad? / 徳島大学を選んだ理由は何ですか。
Previous exchange students recommended this university.

●What subject have you been studying in your home university? / 自国では何を勉強していましたか。
Japanese and programming.

●How did you prepare for studying in Japan? / 日本留学に向けてどのような準備をしましたか。
I studied Japanese for 2 years at Swedish university.

●How was your experience in Tokushima? For example, was there anything that surprised you? / 徳島に来てどうでしたか。例えば、驚いたことはありますか。
The experience was great! I made new friends and learned a lot about Japanese culture, people and myself. I was surprised about how shocked everyone in Japan was when seeing my tattoos.

●Have you used the Culture Lounge while you are in Tokushima University? How did you like using Culture Lounge? / 徳島大学ではカルチャー・ラウンジは利用しましたか。また、利用してどうでしたか。
Yes, a few times every week. I like it, I meet some new Japanese friends there and it was a nice place to relax in.

●How was your learning experience with courses at Tokushima University? / 徳島大学での勉強(受講)はどうでしたか。
Comparing to the Swedish university, the courses at TU were easy and not so stressful.

●Are there any big differences with student life in Tokushima and the country where your university is? / 学生生活について、日本と自国とでは大きな違いがありますか。
I was surprised to learn that almost every Japanese student take part-time jobs.

●What experience gave you strongest impact during your stay in Japan or in Tokushima? / 日本(徳島)での生活で一番印象深いものは何ですか。
I loved the 牛丼!

●What is your goal in the future? / 将来の目標は何ですか。
I am going to finish my programming studies and find work in Sweden and maybe some day..In Japan.

●Could you leave advice to students who want to study abroad from Tokushima or thinking of studying in Tokushima from your home school? / 留学を考えている学生に向けてアドバイスをお願いします。
Respect the culture and the people. Learn as much as you can also share your experiences with your friends, classrooms and teachers.