留学体験記 – Ludvig Jakobsson(ルドヴィグ ヤコブソン)さん

Ludvig Jakobsson(ルドヴィグ ヤコブソン)

交換留学プログラム(Student Exchange Program)
ルンド大学:(スウェーデン)/ 2016年10月~2018年9月

●Why did you want to study abroad in Japan? / なぜ日本に留学しようと思ったのですか。
I want to work as a translator in the future, and in order to achieve that I wanted to study Japanese & Japanese culture in Japan. Also I like Japan. ^.-

●Why did you choose Tokushima University for your studying abroad? / 徳島大学を選んだ理由は何ですか。
I don’t really like big cities, Tokushima is cheap, and I’ve heard good things from other students.

●What subject have you been studying in your home university? / 自国では何を勉強していましたか。
Before coming here I studied Japanese for 2 years.

●How did you prepare for studying in Japan? / 日本留学に向けてどのような準備をしましたか。
I didn’t really do much preparing except for studying Japanese.

●How was your experience in Tokushima? For example, was there anything that surprised you? / 徳島に来てどうでしたか。例えば、驚いたことはありますか。
I’ve really enjoyed staying in Tokushima. It’s cheap and even though it’s a relatively small city, there’s still a lot of thongs to do. I’ve experienced some culture shocks, but I don’t think any of them were specifically because of Tokushima, but rather just general Japanese culture differences.

●Have you used the Culture Lounge while you are in Tokushima University? How did you like using Culture Lounge? / 徳島大学ではカルチャー・ラウンジは利用しましたか。また、利用してどうでしたか。
Almost every day. I think it’s a really nice place to hang out regardless of what you do. Study, play games, talk etc.

●How was your learning experience with courses at Tokushima University? / 徳島大学での勉強(受講)はどうでしたか。
They’ve been difficult, but I also feel I’ve learned very much.

●Are there any big differences with student life in Tokushima and the country where your university is? / 学生生活について、日本と自国とでは大きな違いがありますか。
Yes, in Sweden there’s usually no attendance requirement for university, and I lived quite far from Lund university so I only went to class once in a while and studied mostly by myself. Adapting to going to school every day and doing homework took some time.

●What experience gave you strongest impact during your stay in Japan or in Tokushima? / 日本(徳島)での生活で一番印象深いものは何ですか。
I can’t really think of just one thing. Maybe the fact that I’ve enjoyed every day here has had the strongest impact on me. ^^

●What is your goal in the future? / 将来の目標は何ですか。
I want to work as a translator.

Could you leave advice to students who want to study abroad from Tokushima or thinking of studying in Tokushima from your home school? / 留学を考えている学生に向けてアドバイスをお願いします。
I would advise them to think thoroughly regarding accommodation and the Japanese/Japanese culture courses available. I think there are great options, but it depends completely on the person how they find it. The dorm in Kitajima is of course insanely cheap, but staying so far from the university can take a toll on you. And it’s difficult to move out later on because the contracts for apartments are 1 year+.

The Japanese language courses (日本語1-8) are quite difficult, but the teachers are understanding and will pass you as long as you do your best. Also, unless you take them you might have a difficult time filling up with the amount of courses you need to take (if you want to study Japanese). Apart from these, there’s not really any other courses that focuses on learning the language (unless they open up the ‘Academic Japanese’ courses again).
日本語のコース「日本語1-8」は難しいが、先生達は優しく、頑張ったら、合格することは問題ではありません。そして受けなかったら、必要なコース数を登録することが困難になるかもしれません(もし日本語を勉強したいのであれば)。このコース以外日本語の学習が焦点になっているコースは別にありません(「Academic Japanese」というコースもあったが、まだ開講するかどうかわかりません)。