交換留学プログラム(Student Exchange Program)
マラヤ大学:経済学部(マレーシア)/ 2017年10月~2018年2月
Here comes some of the pictures of Tokushima University when it was snowing on 11th Jan 2018!
●Why did you want to study abroad in Japan? / なぜ日本に留学しようと思ったのですか。
Japan is my dream land since I was small. I have visited Japan once when I was 9. I loved the culture of Japan and thus I wish to be here again to experience more things in depth.
●Why did you choose Tokushima University for your studying abroad? / 徳島大学を選んだ理由は何ですか。
First, living costs. Tokushima is not a big city like Tokyo, Osaka or Nagoya. To me, I would prefer to stay at a not so city area and go to travel in a city once in a while. Besides, Tokushima University have lots of good and friendly staff, students and even lectures. I will miss the people like Ms. Tomoko Nishida, Mrs. Meredith and many many more.
●What subject have you been studying in your home university? / 自国では何を勉強していましたか。
Economics is my degree course and I am majoring in Statistics.
●How did you prepare for studying in Japan? / 日本留学に向けてどのような準備をしましたか。
I prepared it by myself months before I was here. Everything turned up step form the very beginning where I registered to go for exchange programme, submitting all the necessary documents, making visas until buying flight ticket and being here.
●How was your experience in Tokushima? For example, was there anything that surprised you? / 徳島に来てどうでしたか。例えば、驚いたことはありますか。
The things that surprised me the most is majority of the people here are cycling, including sensei as well. I like the views in Tokushima and Kitajima as you can get to see mountains, seas and beautiful environment.
●Have you used the Culture Lounge while you are in Tokushima University? How did you like using Culture Lounge? / 徳島大学ではカルチャー・ラウンジは利用しましたか。また、利用してどうでしたか。
I have visited several times. I personally seldom visited to here because I have joined other activities outside of the campus. To others, it might be a place for foreigners and Japanese to mingle among one another.
●How was your learning experience with courses at Tokushima University? / 徳島大学での勉強(受講)はどうでしたか。
My learning experience was great with the help of the nice people surrounding me. The sensei, students here are so helpful and friendly where they are willing to offer me help in my studies when I face any difficulties.
●Are there any big differences with student life in Tokushima and the country where your university is? / 学生生活について、日本と自国とでは大きな違いがありますか。
Yes. Our examination was held in the hall where every people will get the exam altogether at the same place whereas students here are having exam in the classes. Students here mostly cycling to university and majority of them are having part time jobs.
●What did you get an impact out of the most in your life of Japan or Tokushima? / 日本(徳島)での生活で一番印象深いものは何ですか。
The strongest impact to me is how the people here behave. The people here are quite polite and they really show their respect to the people not just from Japan but from other countries as well.
●What is your goal in the future? / 将来の目標は何ですか。
I wish to be here again in future. Hopefully I can get an internship over here so that I can get a chance to visit here once again.
●Could you leave advice to students who want to study abroad in the future? / 留学を考えている学生に向けてアドバイスをお願いします。
I will advise them to enjoy and learn at the same time. Noting is much more important than enjoying your life. Even though learning is very important, exposure and enjoying your life is one of the things that you should not miss every second too! Fighting!