留学体験記 – Andrea Mathiasson(アンドレア マティアソン)さん

交換留学プログラム(Student Exchange Program)
ルンド大学:人文神学部(スウェーデン)/ 2014年10月~2015年9月

●Why did you want to study abroad in Japan? / なぜ日本に留学しようと思ったのですか。
Since I went to Gifu the summer 2013 I felt that I wanted to come to Japan again for a longer stay.

●Why did you choose Tokushima University for your studying abroad? / 徳島大学を選んだ理由は何ですか。
I had several cities to choose between, but I’m not too fond of bigger cities and Tokushima seemed to be the perfect size, and I also got it recommended to me by a classmate.

●What subject have you been studying in your home university? / 自国では何を勉強していましたか。
Japanese linguistics and language

●How did you prepare for studying in Japan? / 日本留学に向けてどのような準備をしましたか。
I didn’t really prepare much. I worked the summer before I came to save some money, but that’s about it. I guess I just wanted to take it step by step as it came to me.

●How was your experience in Tokushima? For example, was there anything that surprised you? / 徳島に来てどうでしたか。例えば、驚いたことはありますか。
Tokushima is a nice city, even though I’ve felt pretty trouble by people staring so much. The thing that surprised me the most is the way the university life works and how different Japanese people live their lives compared to back in Sweden (and other parts of the world). Some things negative and some positive.

●Have you used the Culture Lounge while you are in Tokushima University? How did you like using Culture Lounge? / 徳島大学ではカルチャー・ラウンジは利用しましたか。また、利用してどうでしたか。
I usually go there when I have a break between my classes or just feel like chilling a bit. It’s a nice place and people are usually very kind and I like spending time there. It’s a pretty good place to meet new people at.

●How was your learning experience with courses at Tokushima University? / 徳島大学での勉強(受講)はどうでしたか。
I think that Tokudai lacks courses that are suitable for western students that don’t have that much knowledge in kanji and so on. And the courses that are more suited for western people don’t provide credits. Which creates a problem since some universities requires a special amount of credits. There was also no placement test involved what so ever which made it very difficult to know what classes were suitable for you. To be able to provide a sufficient learning experience for especially western exchange students, Tokudai need to improve their courses quite a bit. Maybe even create a program suited for exchange students.

●Are there any big differences with student life in Tokushima and the country where your university is? / 学生生活について、日本と自国とでは大きな違いがありますか。
It is very hard to find anything that is alike. The school is different, classes are different, the students are different, rules are different. It’s a part of the experience of being here.

●What experience gave you strongest impact during your stay in Japan or in Tokushima? / 日本(徳島)での生活で一番印象深いものは何ですか。
I really enjoyed all the school trips that Tokudai has provided for us. It gives you an opportunity to see more of Japan and experience more about their culture. I would definitely say that this is one of my favorite things about the university. Making it possible for students to experience Japan.

●What is your goal in the future? / 将来の目標は何ですか。
I’m not completely sure yet, but I’m thinking of teaching Japanese in either Sweden or in some other part of the world.

●Could you leave advice to students who want to study abroad from Tokushima or thinking of studying in Tokushima from your home school? / 留学を考えている学生に向けてアドバイスをお願いします。
Just enjoy your time and make the best of your stay here.